Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Almost There

So i am so excited that this semester is coming to a close, i can't believe the time is almost here!! its kind of a weird feeling, knowing that as soon as finals are done, its graduation, and my roommate celeste is graduating (kinda weird, we both started here at the same time) and then it's whitney's wedding, and then it's off the norway for me and my crazy summer begins. and its a strange feeling knowing when i come back i will be starting my SENIOR YEAR IN COLLEGE. ......whoa.....

I definately don't feel old enough for that. it almost feels like i get my breathe knocked out of me when i think about it. Whats next? ...the real world....i feel like i'm not ready, like i don't want to be a part of it all yet. Not to be a van wilder or anything, but i feel like how laura was saying, i feel pressured to know what i want to do. and i know ive had 3 yrs of college to think about it, but it seems so definate. I'll get there though i suppose....

on a lighter note, when i was walking back from the clubhouse of my apt tonight, i saw a dvd laying on the ground, so i picked it up...and it was enchanted!! it looks a little scratched...but if it works, that would be SO cool :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A New Beginning

So i've had a very exciting past couple of days!.....

First off, bekka is flying to lubbock to visit on thursday! i can't wait! she comes in and drives back with me on saturday ahhh i can't wait it will be so much fun!

And next, caroline and rob are engaged!!!! i still don't know the details, i just got informed but i heard it was sweet the way he did it, so caroline, i need to be caught up! :)

And next, i am now in a relationship :) Honestly, its the last place i thought i would be, i broke up with justin not very long ago at all, and honestly, wasnt looking for a boyfriend when i was with him either. I am studying abroad this summer and will be gone so much, and really liked the idea of being single for it! not to go crazy or anything but i don't want to be missing someone. that feeling when you're looking at some of the most beautiful things in the world and wishing that person was there to see it with you. Thats something i didn't want for myself this summer, i wanted to be able to enjoy it and not really think twice about somebody, as awful as that sounds... BUT obviously i chose to be in a relationship regardless of all of that because he is SO wonderful :) so i know God has amazing plans for my summer so i'm just going to trust it. i guess its true what they say, you always find someone when you're not looking. but it still stinks that his last name is Callison! huff

And i hope everyone had an awesome spring break! and for those of you on it right now, i hope youre having fun! (bailey!)

I know i was just home last weekend but i can't wait to come home and see everyone again this weekend! it seems since i'm closer to graduating, along with everyone else, and a lot of people are getting married (ekk!) that my trips home seem more valued. freshman year they didn't seem like as big a deal, but now its so hard to get everyone home at the same time. :( but can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I am so glad that i got to see everyone this weekend! even thought it was brief. and nancy, you have encouraged me to write in this again haha. I didn't realize people were actually reading it so i GUESS i'll keep it updated :)

So for most of you, i'm sure, this is your spring break...must be nice! wish i was still at home to enjoy it with you all, but i will be there easter weekend so see all of your pretty faces again!

The week before spring break is always a pretty rough one, all of your tests kinda hit you like a ton of bricks, but luckily i will be done with all that mayhem by wednesday evening.

So i have been looking around for new artists and you guys should check out bonnie somerville. Laura and bailey, i think ya'll would like her a lot (nancy, you might enjoy her too!). Her voice is very different and interesting, here is her myspace:

It is so sunny up here right now, i love it. And i keep thinking, school will be over this friday and i can enjoy it, but really, i will be working most of the time, so i will probably have less time next week than i would on a regular school week. booooo. but i am excited because i found out that my friend from home, jared, is coming up to lbk to visit bc he used to go to tech, and my friend lauren will be here as well, to work, and ryan will be too since he doesn't have spring break.

Thats one thing that i am not looking forward to growing up about, no spring break! the real world doesn't stop. isnt that such a shame? i am in a tourism class and i learned that in most other countries it is a government law to have a minimum of around 6 days of paid vacation. and in japan its 10! most jobs give you paid vacation, but in the U.S., a lot of people don't take it, and studies show that when they do, they are still connected to work somehow by checking in with their secretary or checking emails etc. I really hope that i don't find myself in that habit when i grow up. maybe i should move to spain, we learned that in spain, they take 3 hours out of the middle of their day and pretty much shut down everything for resting/napping. thats some sweet stuff right there!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When it rains, it pours

ahhhhh today has definately been one of those days when things go wrong right after the other. First, i have a class where you get called up and quized in front of the class by your teacher over an article and your class rates you, and thats your test grade, well you only go 3 times the semester, so if your number gets pulled randomly and you've gone already, he normally skips, and i went last time AND on the first day, so i thought, ok i only need one left, i don't think he'll make me go, its still february (and i had a test today that i needed to study for). well...just my luck, he calls me! how random is that....
....bad luck number 2: there is a certain scantron for my test today that i have never had to buy before (instead of 4 answers to choose from, it has 10! scary!) and my test was at 7 and i get out of class at 5:20, so i hopped on a bus to the sub to buy one...well....they didn't sell them, but they directed me to somewhere that did, then i went to the second place, and they didn't sell them either....this went on until i had gone to 9 places!! (and called 2). the few places that DID carry the rare specie of scantron closed at 6, and i pulled up at 6:07 (of course) not to mention, when i was parking at one of the dorms to run in to try and buy one, i got a parking ticket!!

THEN i come home to take a nice hot shower (it is really cold in lbk right now) and i jump in and after about 30 seconds it turns ice cold! my roommate and i tried to shower at the same time i guess. i waited 30 minutes after with wet COLD hair, and i finally just jumped back in, it was lukewarm. yuck.

but the good news is, when you have days like that when everything seems to go pretty horrible, you can't help but laugh at the end of the day, it's a good story now i suppose. not to mention, i've always noticed the day after days like that always seem to be pretty good. so can't wait for it! and here's somethin funny, i have a date tomorrow with a boy who's last name is Callison.....thought that was humorous...

sorry this was nothing but venting! but i miss you guys and hope to come home soon to visit!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So i have witnessed how some boys don't react well to breakups. and it all came down to a blockbuster movie.

Friday night i broke up with justin for a slew of reasons, but it was a very light hearted mutual breakup, no bitter feelings, so i had thought....

So saturday i realized we rented a movie the weekend before under my account and it was still at his house.... so i send a friendly text msg asking him to return it for me, and i run into him that night and he tells me he returned it that afternoon....lovely.

yesterday i receive a call from blockbuster inquiring a 5 day overdue movie! They also call my dad and go into how i will be reported to the credit collections or whatever if i do not pay the fine immediatley (it has been 5 days, SHEESH blockbuster!).

so i call justin and his phone is off...for 2 days his phone was off everytime i call. i call blockbuster to double check b/c i thought it had been returned, they said it wasnt there. i go to his house to get the movie and he is home and doesn't answer.... very mature i thought..

i return today and his roommate is home and luckily he likes me and gives the movie to me, which at that point made my day.

So i learned my lessons; I am now single which was the right choice and thats been revealed multiple times since the breakup, and i am now a current movie renter from Hollywood video where they do NOT report you. :) hope you all can learn from my mistakes as well! hehe :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008


BORED. BORED. BORED. i am working at bath junkie and sad to say, no one has come in pretty much all day, and i am working by myself. UGHHHH. and i think i am really sick. i was sick before i came back to school (right around new years) and i am STILL sick. and it got a little better for a week there, and now its getting worse. and i tried to make an appt at the school doctor but they don't have any till monday. but judging from this long streaked sickness, i'm sure i'll still need one.

i've been in a pranking mood lately. my roommate ashley and i pranked on our other roommate channing. chan works at bath junkie too so ashley and i called up asking for a manager complaining about the service we'de had last wednesday (channing works every wednesday) except ashley sucks at not laughing so we got busted. still pretty funny tho. then we prank called ashley's mom (she's a teacher) complaining about how she was abusive to ashley's make believe kid....that wasn't such a good idea after all (she ended up hanging up)

its so weird how the weather works in lubbock, its snowing on the SOUTH side of town, but not the north....and the town's not the big. i live on the north (thank goodness) but im sure it'll be snowing by tomorrow (EKKK!)

18 more minutes until freedom! except i'll have to fun to my car in the freezing cold (bath junkie is on the south side of town). and then wait for my car to warm up, and then run from my car to my apartment, but THEN i will be comfy and warm :)

ok well this is long enough, but i'll end with a question, what's everyone doing for spring break?? and when is everyone's? ours is different from most people's, its like the 14th through the 24th.....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Call Me Irresponsible

I'm not really irresponsible, im just listening to the michael buble cd and that just came on :)

so i went to the study abroad office last week and i am now officially studying abroad in NORWAY!! i am very excited!! And kind of stressed, i am going to need to work a LOT this semester to save money for traveling and all. and i am thinking i should get another job because i make a little over 6 an hour at bathjunkie and i don't see how that will work! im thinking maybe waitressing, but i am a little afraid since i have never done it before!

So today is MLK Day, so my roommates made a dinner in honor of that :) this included a bucket of KFC chicken, koolaid, corn bread, green beans with bacon, and peach cobler, along with a fitting cd playing in the background. it was really cute. and Yummy!

And Tomorrow i am singing at a thing called TAB after hours (Tech Activity Board). A little nervous, i don't ever sing out in lbk besides once before and not a lot of my friends out here know that i like too, so its always kinda weird to bring it up when they don't really know. But i think it will be a lot of fun.

I know this blog is all over the place but today i talked to my little brother right before he left for boot camp. He doesn't come back until April 18th. And yesterday i spoke with Kyle (my older brother) before he left for Dubai, that was the hardest because he is moving there and it's indefinate when he will come back. I was supposed to go home this past weekend to say goodbye but it didn't work out so i was really bummed. I called my mom saturday night and the whole family was out to eat at esparzas and then they watched a movie. i so badly wanted to be there. Because i was planning on going home i didn't really get to have a goodbye with my brothers because we were counting on doing it then. Very dissappointing. But who knows, maybe i will be able to connect with Kyle over the summer when i am in norway.

On another random note, i have been thinking, and i am looking at maybe living in NYC after i get back from norway, it will be a month before classes start and i thought that would be fun because my connecting flight is through NYC so i could just stay there and then fly back home after the end of the summer. Just i little thought i'm playing with. If anyone is interested in sharing an apt with me for the month let me know :) its not a done deal obviously, but its always more fun with more friends :)

Anywho, I am going to call it a night. I hope everyone is doing well and i miss all of you guys sooo much. i hope to make a trip home soon in the near future :)